Building prices are coming down but we still need help before we build again
Build 13 although finished was our most costly and most complicated build yet. At the same time our board is aging like many other charity boards.
So what would it take to build again?
- Build 13 was a very expensive build. Due to COVID and elevated building costs and lack of help build 13 was 166% the cost of build 12. Prices are a big hold up but not a deal breaker.
- Without the help of the local building trades (who are no longer building) build 13 would have been built almost exclusively by our family and building manager. We need dedicated volunteers who we know will show up.
- Build 13 leaned heavily on the help of a general contractor. Sometimes a general contractor is needed for items requiring a certification but much of the work that was done could have been done with volunteer help. The board has decided this will not be allowed in future builds because it negates the goal of the build. We need dedicated volunteers who we know will show up.
- Our building manager retired after the build. His shoes will be hard to fill and it might even take multiple new board members to fill it. This person or these people combined would need to be willing to put in work most weekends and have the knowledge or combined knowledge it takes to build a house.
Is it time to throw in the towel?
Absolutely not, but who am I to say?
My name is Savannah Claussen Clark and I took over the Treasurer position in 2019 right before build 12 finished. I also built this website. I am thankful I got to see the process through with house 13 and I am confident we could see another build through with the items above checked off.
We have a few things going for us. I'm the youngest of the members and I am dedicated to riding this out, where ever it takes me for at least another 30-50 years. We have a dedicated board who has watched and helped with many builds and although most are not able to help directly with the heavy lifting they are wealth of information and most of all, our finances are stable and in a solid place to build again. Because of the nature of our program almost all of what we pay out comes back to us. We also have multiple lots to build on already.
Does it have to be in Japer County or Rensselaer?
No, we have helped other counties and built homes in other parts of Jasper County. We are open to expanding reach if it expands our pool of volunteers.
So where do you sign up?
Feel free to stop by and chat with me, Savannah. I work at Claussen Equipment and I am here from 7am to 4pm week days. If you would like to reach me by email you can fill out the volunteer form or text me at (219) 866-5811.
So what would it take to build again?
- Build 13 was a very expensive build. Due to COVID and elevated building costs and lack of help build 13 was 166% the cost of build 12. Prices are a big hold up but not a deal breaker.
- Without the help of the local building trades (who are no longer building) build 13 would have been built almost exclusively by our family and building manager. We need dedicated volunteers who we know will show up.
- Build 13 leaned heavily on the help of a general contractor. Sometimes a general contractor is needed for items requiring a certification but much of the work that was done could have been done with volunteer help. The board has decided this will not be allowed in future builds because it negates the goal of the build. We need dedicated volunteers who we know will show up.
- Our building manager retired after the build. His shoes will be hard to fill and it might even take multiple new board members to fill it. This person or these people combined would need to be willing to put in work most weekends and have the knowledge or combined knowledge it takes to build a house.
Is it time to throw in the towel?
Absolutely not, but who am I to say?
My name is Savannah Claussen Clark and I took over the Treasurer position in 2019 right before build 12 finished. I also built this website. I am thankful I got to see the process through with house 13 and I am confident we could see another build through with the items above checked off.
We have a few things going for us. I'm the youngest of the members and I am dedicated to riding this out, where ever it takes me for at least another 30-50 years. We have a dedicated board who has watched and helped with many builds and although most are not able to help directly with the heavy lifting they are wealth of information and most of all, our finances are stable and in a solid place to build again. Because of the nature of our program almost all of what we pay out comes back to us. We also have multiple lots to build on already.
Does it have to be in Japer County or Rensselaer?
No, we have helped other counties and built homes in other parts of Jasper County. We are open to expanding reach if it expands our pool of volunteers.
So where do you sign up?
Feel free to stop by and chat with me, Savannah. I work at Claussen Equipment and I am here from 7am to 4pm week days. If you would like to reach me by email you can fill out the volunteer form or text me at (219) 866-5811.
upcoming work days and meetings:
Meeting are held by email until we become active again. We are not building right now.
Ready for permits on build 13
The windows have sizes and the ground is marked. Our crew finished up final touches last week and with approval from the future owners the permit paperwork can be filled out and submitted. See the update before this on how to apply for build 14 and how to volunteer for this one. Stay tuned for more build photos.
Groundbreaking to come as soon as this fall
At our August meeting it was voted that the Forney family would be the next family we partner with to build a house. The news was meet by extreme excitement. They are a wonderful couple with two children. They very soon after found a house plan they fell in love with and brought it to us for revisions. Last night we met with the Forneys and our building manager along with a few other board members. We went over the blueprints that have been drawn up so far and spoke about further details and revisions. We also spoke about time line and volunteers. On September 16th we will vote on the approval of the plans and if approved the permit process will begin. If everything goes as planed we will break ground this fall on build 13.
It is a wonderful time for those looking to be the next family to start the application process for build 14. The more accurate and complete the application is, the better your chances are and we collect apps 365 days a year. We look for families that rent substandard housing or pay high rent, are unable to acquire a mortgage through traditional means, and are willing to put in sweat equity hours. You can download the application here:
If you would like to volunteer for build 13 we normally build on Saturday mornings and finish early afternoon. If your not one to pick up a hammer you can pickup a spoon. Volunteer to bring the crew lunch Saturday around noon once we start building. Friends of the Forney family can contact them, you can also contact Butch Claussen, Roger Wood or submit a request for more information here:
A huge thank you to everyone who makes this wonderful news possible.
We as a group owe Noelle Weishaar endless thanks for her work as our Treasurer. She started in January of 2012 and has been a true blessing to her fellow members in all of the almost 8 years she has volunteered her time to the position. She has made changes for the better that will effect every Treasurer to follow. She will step down to a board member officially on June 1st and Savannah Claussen, a member of almost a year, will take over. Savannah has a lot to learn and Noelle is happy to help. We are thankful for all the wonderful people we have on the board and all they do for us. We hope Savannah, Noelle, and all the others will be with us for many, many years to come.
We are always looking for new faces to share in the joy of our work. If you like writing, taking pictures, sharing ideas, building, or organizing things in the community then you could be right for the board. Start by coming to our board meetings. They are every third Monday at 7:00pm unless otherwise announced. They are held at our office just off N Mckinley Ave on E Merritt St. We look forward to seeing you.
application processing
At our meeting on the 20th of this month, the reviewing committee will discuss with the members what families they think we should choose and why. From that point the finalist or finalists will be further reviewed in the coming month. We have had a few groups volunteer to help us get the lot ready for construction.
deadline set for build 13 applications
Next Monday (the 15th) at 5:00pm is the cut off for applications. It's not to late to apply.
excited for the future |
This summer we will break ground and one family will start on the road to one of the most influential experiences of their lives that will hopefully effect them for generations. The ones who will decide are reading up on paperwork and guidelines to make the best possible decision. There is still time to apply but the clock is ticking down. Don't let the chance of a lifetime pass by.
check out our new BROCHURE
Hover over, click or tap the image if you can not see the arrows to move from page to page.
look for them soon all around town.
(new) home for christmas
Our first dedication under Fuller Center was done on December 22nd 2018, just in time for Christmas. It was quick and to the point but over all lovely. The family had many smiles and thanks for everyone involved. The organization is excited for applications to start coming in for the next build.
The holiday season brought a change to the group of people who for just under 25 years called themselves Habitat for Humanity. Millard Fuller, the founder of both Habitat and The Fuller Center, had a dream rooted in the Bible to put every person on earth in a house that provided them with safe and stable living conditions. He dreamed of Habitat for Humanity becoming a household name. Today it is that and its growing power and scale allows it do good in huge ways. In 2004, Habitat for Humanity outgrew Millard Fuller and they parted ways. In 2005, he started The Fuller Center and decided to go back to a simpler way of doing things, where the parent company does not restrict the affiliates or ask them to support the parent company any more then they would willingly choose to. We, also, as a group decided that the path of Habitat outgrew us, so to better focus on our own affiliate and community we decided to make the change to Fuller Center as well. This decision will allow us to continue, for many years to come, what we have been doing for so long and continue growing and providing homes to the people who need it most in Jasper County. Thank you for all the support over the years, through this change, and in advance for the years to come.